Sexy night lingerie for women is meant for your satisfaction and other notes for the 20 years old me!
Nostalgia is all fun until you come across the mistakes you have done or your past or the things you should have done. Now that my 20s are going to end in the next few months, I often regret not doing a few things that I should have done in my early and mid-20s.
In the last blog, I mentioned some things that should have been in my bucket list then, but unfortunately it was not. However, if you are in your 20s, curate your bucket list on the similar lines, and start accomplishing it.
In this blog, let's continue with our to-do list for the women in their 20s.

Save More
When we are young, we are the biggest daredevils that we will ever be in our life. We do not hesitate from taking risks, as we keep responsibility for the late 20s and the years after that. This rule applies in the way we conduct our finances. We believe saving is for old age, and youth means earning more and spending more. However, as you grow older you realize how important saving money is at every stage of life.
Word to the women in their early 20s – you don’t need to shop for a plethora of dresses for a party or the alternate-coloured pair of high heels you already own, SAVE your money wherever you can. I am not telling you to curb your basic needs and fun, but stop spending on those extras.

Celebrate You
Don’t look for sources of your happiness in the outer world, rather find it in yourself. You are the only center of your universe, and the remote of your feelings should be in your hands.
Word to the women in their early 20s – Wear clothes, put on or do not put on makeup for yourself and not to fit in somewhere or for someone else. Flaunt yourself and celebrate your body in sexy night clothes for women not to be an eye-candy to your partner but to celebrate yourself.

Rebellious not Equal to Tattoos
We all know the level of rebellion one feels in their early 20s, and you show it to the world by breaking rules.
Word to the women in their early 20s – Please do not use stupid tattoos with unconventional quotes or signs just to show your woke side, because the day you wake up from all this, you will repent as this tattoo will be a constant reminder of your immaturity for the rest of your life.
There are tattoo removing techniques available, but they cost a bomb, are extremely painful, and do not erase the tattoo completely (they just lighten the ink).
Word to the women in their early 20s – Get inked only when you are 100% sure that it is meaningful and will be so to you FOREVER.

Care for your Hair
20s is usually about experimenting with everything, and your hair is no exception. The constant heat styling, hair dying and using chemicals to change the look, may not affect your hair, but in the future they definitely will.
Word to the women in their early 20s – Take prudent care of your hair, hydrate them well, oil them properly, and use heat products and chemicals on your hair in a restrictive manner.
Lastly, do not forget to check our website for our the most affordable sexy women night clothes in India.