An Ultimate Guide to Stay Safe Amid This Pandemic
An Ultimate Guide to Stay Safe Amid This Pandemic!!
At Billebon, we understand how crucial hygiene and safety is during this worldwide spread Pandemic. Thus, we have added a range of face masks with our lingerie collection, to deliver both fashion and safety at your doorstep.

When to wear a face mask?
Every time you step out of your house, put on a face mask. Even in less crowded places, even if social distancing is maintained, yet do not remove your mask. Until we get a vaccine, prevention is the only option we have, and consider masks as an essential when outdoors.

Who should wear which mask?
The market is filled with disposal mask online in India and various other types of face masks. However, each mask is made with a special intent, so you exactly need to know which one is suitable for you. Depending upon the spread of the virus in your vicinity, the places you go to and who you are as in your age, other medical ailments and so on, decide appropriately which mask to wear.
When you are in a crowded place with hardly any proper ventilation, and you cannot stay safely physically distanced from others, wear a fabric mask.
Wear a medical mask if you are a senior citizen above the age of 60 or have medical conditions or are not keeping well or are looking after an ill family member.

How to wear a mask?
I know by now everyone has become a pro with all the covid safety equipment, but are we doing it right, is the question.
Thoroughly wash your hands before putting on and after taking off your masks.
Wear the mask as a precautionary measure for yourself and the people you surround, and not because it is a rule set by the Government. Cover your nose and mouth prudently, while wearing a mask.

Buy disposable plastic gloves in India only after reading this-
Confused? Plastic gloves are a highly protective gear to keep your hands protected from any possible infection, unless you handle these gloves with care. When you have a long journey to travel or go in a marketplace where you will supposedly be touching many unknown objects, plastic gloves are your best friend. But take due care while taking them off and carefully disposing them off. Also, sanitize everything that you touched with the gloves if you are going to touch those things again with your bare hands. So, before you buy disposal transparent plastic gloves in India, understand both the do’s and don’ts before opting for one.
Lastly, drink immunity boosters and keep your body strong and take proper precautions for your and your family’s safety during this difficult time.
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