This Women’s Day, Do Yourself Some Favours Dear Women!
How can you define a Woman?
The one who manages every role effortlessly, the one who is burdened with societal expectation since birth, the one who is always expected to sacrifice, the one who has to be a perfect mother, daughter, wife, sister and every other role she plays in her life and yet at the end of the day has to face gender bias, be considered the weaker sex and always be vigilant from the sexual predators around who can come from anywhere and in any form of relationship.
A Woman is Beyond Definition!

Billebon strongly holds that Womanhood is a Spirit that needs to be celebrated every day. We want to be a part of this celebration in every woman’s life. Thus, we bring to you a plethora of lingerie options that celebrate your body and your beauty your way! As our aim is to bring sexiness in the pocket range of every woman in India, our eye-candies are available at an extremely budgeted range.
But to CELEBRATE Women’s Day, we have additional offers and discounts running for you!
For generations now, a woman is supposed to laugh, talk, walk, eat literally do everything as per the guidelines set by society. However, these rules were and are only for women and men are for ages given a free pass.
Let’s come together and break this shackle!
Wear lace lingerie for women and flaunt your body as if no one cares! The internet is filled with women posing in sexy lingerie and an equally double number of women trolling them.
This Women’s Day, rather than leg-pulling other women, let’s empower them and if they are already in a better position, let’s just celebrate them.
It was always an unsaid rule and even today many believe that a women lingerie for sex and a woman has to wear it only to be an eye-candy for her partner.

This Women’s Day let's celebrate our flaws, our bodies, our weaknesses by wearing sexy lingerie only for ourselves and not for the on-looker.
When a woman is treated badly by anyone may be in your neighborhood or in your family or even in your own house, do not be a mute spectator. Stand for the ones who cannot stand for themselves and stop the wrong-doers.
This Women’s Day let’s promise to never give a deaf ear to the atrocities against women, no matter whether the wrong-doer is someone from the family or a complete stranger.
Vaginal and Menstrual Hygiene play a major role in every woman’s life. If you are a lady reading this blog on your smartphone, tablet, or on your computer or laptop screen, you definitely might be aware of these hygiene issues. However, a huge section of Indian society is still unaware of it. I know you too have your financial and other restrictions, but once a month you can donate and spread the word of helping the underprivileged women with menstrual supplies.

This Women’s Day let’s take a step forward in helping the ones with lesser fortune.