Things to consider while shopping for Bridal nightwear sets in India!!
When it comes to women, a bride or not, lingerie and comfortable nightwear form a staple in every woman’s wardrobe. A lot has been said about the importance of choosing well-fitted lingerie and other parameters to be considered while innerwear shopping for ladies. Meanwhile, there are some other special factors to be considered while shopping for bridal lingerie and nightwear.
There are abundant stores both online and offline, selling bra and panty sets cheap priced, which is done on purpose to misguide potential buyers. It does not mean in any way that inexpensive lingerie is not good in quality, but most of these stores use cheap quality fabrics for reducing the manufacturing rates and making a profit at the buyer’s expense.

If you are going to get married soon, there are some additions and upgradations to be made in your lingerie wardrobe. So, before falling prey to such scams, here are few things you need to consider before lingerie shopping.
The lace quality
There is a wide possibility that you might not have worn a sexy lacy lingerie piece till now, and this is the first time you are buying it. Lace and satin primarily go in the construction of a sexy piece of lingerie. the cheap lingerie sellers convince the buyer especially the first-time ones, that the lacy fabrics are uncomfortable in their nature itself. They convince the buyer that sexy lingerie is meant to spice up romance between a couple and not meant for the wearer’s comfort. This my friend, is a complete LIE. Sexy nightwear dress in India can be both sensuous and comfortable if purchased from a store like- Billebon. The lacy fabric is available in many qualities, from the cheapest which irritates your skin to the highest quality which feels like cream on your skin. Thus, consider several options to shop from, before actually shopping your bridal lingerie.
Differing styles differing fits
This rule applies for all the outfits including lingerie. if you are shopping from the same lingerie brand, even then you might be in a different size in the Chemise and a Babydoll. Thus, make it a point to consider all the dimensions and descriptions of a product, before purchasing it.
Comfort comes first
Undisputedly, your first night is special, and you need to do everything to make it the most Special one, but not at the cost of your comfort. You do not need to slip in something that irritates your skin or restricts your body movement. Your first night lingerie should be seductive and comfortable at the same time. Shop at Billebon, and you will know what comfort is cramped with sexy, looks and feels like.
No free shows
In India, where arranged marriages are still such a thing, there are wide chances that you and your husband might not have got fully comfortable with each other before marriage. If this is true for you as well, consider the seductive quotient of the lingerie you will be wearing on your first night. You surely would not want to make it uncomfortable for both of you, owing to the unnecessary skin show.