Simple Tips For Better Tits!
I am a staunch believer and supporter of natural remedies to enhance your body and features rather than the chemical or operative counterparts. Few weeks ago, I had listed a few food items that can help you in Enhancing your cup size.
In this blog, we are taking the natural tips further and concentrating on exercises that can make your boobs look better than ever.

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Here is a list of exercises that will help you to enhance the look of your boobs.
P.S None of these exercises will magically transform your A sizes to C’s or even B’s for that matter. These exercises will not increase your cup size but will enhance the way they look by strengthening the chest muscles.

The Dumbbell Talk
Stand with your feet hip-distance apart from each other. Hold a pair of dumbbells at the sides of your body and your palms should face forward. Now, stretch your arms at the sides with a slight bend at your elbows. Raise your hands up to your head and bring them down in the same motion. Start this one with a set of 10 reps.

Plank Walking
If you often plank this one might be an easy walk for you. However, if you are a newbie, try basic planking for the first few days and then update to plank walking.
Put your palms on the floor exactly beneath your shoulder and keep your toes planted into the floor. Your entire body from your head to your hips should form a straight line. This is the accurate planking position. Now, lift your right leg and hand and move it to the right side of the mat. You need to move at least a foot away. Repeat this with the left side as well.
As a beginner, start slowly and increase the number of your reps as your body gets used to it.
So now you know, every time you plank adding in a minor update can enhance your boobs and add more spice in your lace lingerie for women.
The Flying Machine
Firstly, sit with an exercise ball behind your lower back and lean a little backwards. Now, firmly place the soles of your feet on the floor and bend both your knees. Then, with a dumbbell in each hand, open your arms on both the sides. Make sure to have a little bend on both the elbows while doing this. Now lift the dumbbells and bring them together towards your chest. This counts for a rep!
Dip With The Chair
Place your hands on the edge of the seat of a chair with your fingers pointing towards your feet. From this position, start moving your feet forward until you clear the front edge of the seat. Lower your elbows at a right angle while keeping your shoulders away from your ears. Come back with the starting position with a palm press.
As a beginner, start with 5 reps for a day and then gradually augment the number of reps per set.
Finally, if you notice, these exercises not only will help you enhance your boob appearance in any outfit like lingerie for women in India or any other outfits but also will strengthen your overall body muscles.
So, what are you waiting for? TRY THEM NOW!